UMI braided series
The versatile UMI series was created by Norwegian designer Jennifer Cena. With its natural expression, which harmonizes with the Nordic spirit, the series has been named UMI. The name UMI means sea in Japanese, and these thoughts have led to a range of aesthetic seating, produced in oak and wild ash, both from FSC®-certified forests (FSC® N002763), with hand-braided, natural linen webbing. The keywords for the UMI series are undoubtedly simplicity and functionality.
The UMI series consists of 6 different pieces of seating; including stools, benches, tables and a daybed. With the wide selection, there is undoubtedly one of the series' furniture that fits perfectly into your home. For example, you can use the UMI series as a bench in the entrance hall, a beautiful detail in the bedroom, a place to sleep for overnight guests, seating along the dining table, a footstool for the armchair, a place to rest in the orangery and much, much more.

UMI-serien fås med matlakeret egetræ, eller i matlakeret vild asketræs variant. Der anvendes på træet en vandbaseret lak, for at bevare et godt indeklima og for at belaste miljøet så lidt som muligt. Lakken hjælper med at holde møblerne smukke uden behov for yderligere pleje. Ask og eg minder om hinanden i forhold til egenskaber og hårdhed. De er begge meget udbredte i Europæiske skove også, og er særdeles gode til at skabe kvalitetsmøbler.
Ask er en ny træsort for os her hos MAKE nordic. Hvert møbel i vild ask kan have sit eget individuelle udtryk, da ingen af dem er 100% ens - deraf navnet vild ask. Aftegninger fra træets årer kan ses i det massive træ og giver et unikt udtryk, man ikke finder i møbler af f.eks. egetræ.
Til de flettede sæder på UMI møblerne anvendes der naturlige hørgjorde af høj kvalitet.
af Jennifer Cena
UMI serien

The UMI series is manufactured in solid oak and wild ash, which is wood from FSC®-certified forests (FSC® N002763). This certification means that the wood comes from responsible forestry, where both animal and plant life are protected and the workers are trained and receive proper safety equipment and a fair wage.
In addition, we use the majority of the ash wood, so that as little as possible goes to waste. In this way, we ensure a more sustainable production.
The linen belts are Oeko-tex® certified, for the sake of you and your family. The certificate sets stricter requirements for the content of substances harmful to health than the legislation does - and we would like to take the extra reservations for you and your health.

The designer - Jennifer Cena
Jennifer Cena was born in 1979 and grew up in the Norwegian mountains, where she has developed a very special relationship with nature. This relationship is clearly reflected in her design, where organic forms and natural materials are her great love.
She has a strong background from Bergen's School of Art and Design, where, in connection with an exhibition in the Green House during the Stockholm Furniture Light Fair in 2016, she developed the prototypes of the UMI series. Jennifer already has a whole series of her beautiful furniture in production before she has completed her education. This underlines her ability to be present, innovative and current in her designs.